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Microsoft Office 2019 launched in 2018? [Download Beta]

Microsoft Office 2019

At the Microsoft Innovation Show held by Microsoft on 28 September in Orlando, Florida, Microsoft introduced the next generation of office suites, Office 2019.
It's not hard to understand when Microsoft ignores the name Office 2018 because it has a habit of 'three times a year' for Office, such as Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016 and now Office 2019.

The Office 2019 user suite will remain as familiar as the word processing tool, Excel spreadsheet, PowerPoint presentation tool, and Outlook email manager that are released in 2018. Servers, Office 2019 with Exchange, Sharepoint and Skype for Business.

One piece of information is the team messaging app for Microsoft Teams that will replace Skype for Business in the enterprise environment, targeting the market with other major competitors in the same segment as Slack or Amazon Chime. , and Cisco Spark.
Office 2019 continues to push innovation on the cloud, driving users and IT administrators to the cloud. Microsoft does not elaborate on these new innovations and how Office 2019 works alongside the 'cloud' of OneDrive.

In addition, Microsoft increased the power of each tool, making them no longer outdated compared to modern applications of the opponent. Excel will become a more powerful data analysis tool, it is not yet clear whether BI modules have been included in Excel to become a general business picture painter.

PowerPoint is still alive, and is not replaced by Microsoft's Sway, which features smoother animations for the content.
There is no word on upgrading to Word, but hopefully a good voice recognition and support for multiple languages and voices. In the age of voice interaction, Word needed to let users read the content and translate their own audio into text, as Google Docs did in Vietnamese, and even pushed it up to integrate Digital Assistant Interactive voice-activated voice.
IT administrators will have the ability to manage, increase security of resources in the enterprise environment.

New features may be available soon for Office 365 subscribers. The Office 365 cloud suite has 27 million monthly subscribers, continuing to grow well in 150 markets.
Link download: Microsoft Office 2019
Backup link: Download now    

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