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Download Adobe Photoshop PTS CS6 Full + Installation Guide

As a designer, a photographer, or just a photo-editing enthusiast, no one is aware of adobe photoshop. Adobe Photoshop CS6 was born long ago. Have you tried it yet? Please go to learn it nhé, to say adobe photoshop cs6 very great. 

So what do you know about Adobe Photoshop CS6?

About Adobe Photoshop CS6

CS is a suite of software, editing tools for photographers, video, audio, web ... The CS6 includes 14 applications distributed in four different packages: CS6 design & web premium (towards the site design), CS6 design standard (standard package), CS6 production premium (the film producer) and CS6 Master Collection (senior) 

Full range of products including 14 The tools included in this CS6 package are fully upgraded or refurbished by Adobe, but most notably the professional Photoshop image editing tool. New feature in Photoshop CS6 is the Mercury Graphics Engine GPU graphics processing engine.
Photoshop CS6 also includes new features such as Content-aware Patch and Content-aware Move. The Adobe Photoshop tool will cost $ 699 and the Photoshop CS6 Extended will cost $ 999. 

The prices for the CS6 Design Standard and CS6 Master Collection are unchanged from the previous version, $ 1299 and $ 2599, respectively. The change in price occurred in the Production Premium when the price increased by $ 200 to $ 1899. Meanwhile, the price of the CS6 Design & Web Premium is 1899 USD. 

Along with CS6, Adobe also introduces its cloud-based Creative Cloud service. With this service, users can use the tools, software in the CS6 online and take charge monthly.

Adobe charges $ 49.99 a month ($ 19.99 for students) and expects it to boost sales. If you just want to use the Photoshop tool alone, the fee that Adobe offers to users for the year is $ 19.99, while not committed to long-term use, the fee is $ 29.99. In addition, Creative Cloud supports synchronization of data between devices. 

Currently, CS6 and Creative Cloud are not ready, but Adobe has already started pre-ordering users.

Download photoshop cs6 for free for PC, laptop


Fshare - Adobe PTS CS6 Full - Link Backup 

4share - Adobe PTS CS6 Full  - Link to 

Activation File: 
Mega - Adobe PTS CS6 Patch 

Box - Adobe PTS CS6 Patch

Ebook Learning Photoshop 

eBook Tutorial PTS CS6

Pass if you have: or

Installation Instructions

Step 1: Select Install - I have a serial number

Step 2: Select Language & Accept

Step 3: Internet Disconnect & Fill Key Installation 




Step 4: Disconnect the Internet - Select Connect Later:

Step 5: Select Language - Install & Install

Wait for a while and finish installing ..

CS6 Photoshop Tutorial

Depending on the version of photoshop cs6 you install is 32 bit or 64 bit that we have different ways of activation 

For 64bit window:
- If you only install 64 bit then we: 

Copy file amtlib.dll from x64 directory under Path: C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe PhotoshopCS6. Overwrite the file amtlib.dll with & Save 

- If you have both 32bit and 64 bit versions, you have to do one more step. 

Copy the file amtlib.dll from the x32 (x86) directory under the path: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Adobe \ Adobe PhotoshopCS6. Overwrite the available amtlib.dll file and save it

For 32bit win:

Explain the bit: Because 32-bit windows, you can not install CS6 64 bit photoshop. So you only have 32 bit installed. And in the 32 bit win C drive there is no Program Files (x86) directory, only Program Files. 

You do the following: 

Copy the file amtlib.dll from the x86 directory under the path: C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe PhotoshopCS6. Overwrite the file amtlib.dll with & Save. (If your win is 32bit, it does not have a Program File (x86).)

Good luck!

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