The VivoV15 Pro smartphone will be launched on February 20. In this phone you will get 48 megapixel rear and 32 megapixel front camera. Know the special feature. Vivo will launch its next flagship smartphone soon. In this sequence, the company is doing one tease after the Vivo V15 Pro smartphone. Recently a video posted on Twitter revealed a glimpse of the smartphone's rear camera. This smartphone will have three rear cameras, including a 48 megapixel camera. Also read- Xiaomi Mi Max 4, leaked features can be launched soon with 48 megapixels Earlier on Thursday, the company posted another teaser of this smartphone. According to the information so far, the phone has a 32 megapixel selfie camera. Which would be a pop up camera. These smartphones will be launched on February 20. Smartphone can have Qualcomm Snapdragon 675 processor. Earlier, the pop selfie camera has also been seen in Vivo Nex smartphones. The smartphone launched last year was priced at Rs 44,990. However the price of...